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6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learning.
Applying: Engages in reflection individually and with colleagues on the relationship between making adjustments in teaching practice and impact on the full range of learners. 9/26/2017 Evidence: I am fortunate enough to have a diverse staff to learn from and lean on. I meet regularly with other teachers to get feedback on problems with lessons and student needs. I meet with a neighboring teacher daily to reflect and bounce new ideas off of her. As a school we engage in monthly PLC cycles, in which we identify a student need, reflect upon, and create a plan to help with this need as a grade-level team. We complete this cycle within the month and identify a new need either within the student population or a teacher- student need universal to the grade-level. I also have a principal who emphasizes growth and reflection. Although we have not had out formal observation in which the principal fills out a form similar to this one during a scheduled observation of my class, we have had an initial check-in meeting. During this meeting, the principal considered my reflections as a whole- person and teaching needs to collaborate on problem areas and celebrate strengths. |
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6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous and purposeful professional growth and development.
Integrating: Sets and modifies authentic goals connected to the CSTP that are intellectually challenging and based on self-assessment and feedback from a variety of sources. Engages in and contributes to professional development targeted on student achievement. Pursues a variety of additional opportunities to learn professionally. 9/26/2017 Evidence: Our principal has also established a routine of professional development. Each Friday we meet and have a reflective council on our week. We then delve into a specifically planned professional development in one of four categories: PLC cycles (grade level), Mindset book study, digital portfolios, or Genius Hour in which we work on a passion project. Each Friday is specifically designed to help us reflect and grow as educators. During these meetings, my job is to come up with a council topic and discussion points to aide in the team reflection process. I am on the Way of Council Committee, which leads council activities. The “lead member” is also our SPED specialist, which makes room for me to lead council on a weekly basis. |
6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning.
Exploring: Consults with colleagues to consider how best to support teacher and student learning. Collaborates with colleagues to expand impact on teacher and student learning within grade or department and school and district levels. Engages with members of the broader professional community to access resources and a wide range of supports for teaching the full range of learners. Facilitates collaboration with colleagues. Works to ensure the broadest positive impact possible on instructional practice and student achievement at school and district levels and for the profession. Initiates and develops professional learning opportunities with the broader professional community focused on student achievement. Begins to identify how to access student and teacher resources in the broader professional community. 9/26/17
Evidence: Other than the professional development trainings set up by Vista Heritage, I had never been to a teaching conference. Fortunately this year, my principal has set up a variety of conferences for teachers to attend over the course of the school year. In February, for example, I attended a Kagan Structure leadership conference as a representative of my school in Las Vegas. In June I will be attending the ISTE Conference in Chicago, IL. Additionally, our principal expects that each of us apply to speak at one conference in the next year.
Exploring: Consults with colleagues to consider how best to support teacher and student learning. Collaborates with colleagues to expand impact on teacher and student learning within grade or department and school and district levels. Engages with members of the broader professional community to access resources and a wide range of supports for teaching the full range of learners. Facilitates collaboration with colleagues. Works to ensure the broadest positive impact possible on instructional practice and student achievement at school and district levels and for the profession. Initiates and develops professional learning opportunities with the broader professional community focused on student achievement. Begins to identify how to access student and teacher resources in the broader professional community. 9/26/17
Evidence: Other than the professional development trainings set up by Vista Heritage, I had never been to a teaching conference. Fortunately this year, my principal has set up a variety of conferences for teachers to attend over the course of the school year. In February, for example, I attended a Kagan Structure leadership conference as a representative of my school in Las Vegas. In June I will be attending the ISTE Conference in Chicago, IL. Additionally, our principal expects that each of us apply to speak at one conference in the next year.
6.4 Working with families to support student learning.
Exploring: Acknowledges the importance of the family’s role in student learning. Seeks information about cultural norms of families represented in the school. Welcomes family involvement at classroom/ school events. Supports families to contribute to the classroom and school. Adjusts communication to families based on awareness of cultural norms and wide range of experiences with schools. Provides opportunities and support for families to actively participate in the classroom and school. Communicates to families in ways which show understanding of and respect for cultural norms. Structures a wide range of opportunities for families to contribute to the classroom and school community. Supports a school/district environment in which families take leadership to improve student learning. 9/26/17 |
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Evidence: As of this year, we have many parent representatives on our school committees, which increases parent involvement. I am also the secretary of the School Site Council, which has been rescheduled to take place after school this year, rather than the school day. This is another place for parents to become involved with our school. The principal, for example, is not the president of the School Site Council, but rather the board elected a parent president, which a student vice- president.Vista has also started a system of parent classes that meet once a month at the school. Topics range from teen- psychology to technology to ESL. I have not decided how I am going to contribute to these classes, but will participate in any way that I can. Finally, parents are participating in a Mindset book study, just like the teachers, but is parent led and in Spanish for increased comprehension.
6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program.
Emerging: Develops awareness about local neighborhoods and communities surrounding the school. Uses available neighborhood and community resources in single lessons. 9/26/17
Evidence: Although I eagerly learn about the student’s community and go to events in town, I am still working to integrate our community into school. As of now, I make references to the community or community values in my lessons to make comparisons for the students. We are working to participate in community events and host community events. I helped to run a variety of fundraising events in which we included the community such as Winterfest and the Spring Festival, both of which were very successful.
Emerging: Develops awareness about local neighborhoods and communities surrounding the school. Uses available neighborhood and community resources in single lessons. 9/26/17
Evidence: Although I eagerly learn about the student’s community and go to events in town, I am still working to integrate our community into school. As of now, I make references to the community or community values in my lessons to make comparisons for the students. We are working to participate in community events and host community events. I helped to run a variety of fundraising events in which we included the community such as Winterfest and the Spring Festival, both of which were very successful.
6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all students.
Applying: Anticipates professional responsibilities and manages time and effort required to meet expectations.
Pursues ways to support students’ diverse learning needs and maintains belief in students’ capacity for achievement. 9/26/17
Evidence: I like being an active member at school. I am part of 2 committees: Way of Council and School Culture. During WASC, I took an active role in working on the WASC documents and anticipating the needs of others in my committee. I meet deadlines for weekly data entries and make sure that all my materials are ready for class at least 1 day before the lesson.
I am continuously looking for new ways to reach my students and like to follow the “whole child” mentality. Attending additional Kagan and Way of Council trainings are 2 examples. This year I, along with another new teacher, started the Girls Who Code club at our school. We have worked hard to create and maintain a safe environment for girls to learn to code. Our source project is a website about different types of bullying and will be available to view at the end of May.
Applying: Anticipates professional responsibilities and manages time and effort required to meet expectations.
Pursues ways to support students’ diverse learning needs and maintains belief in students’ capacity for achievement. 9/26/17
Evidence: I like being an active member at school. I am part of 2 committees: Way of Council and School Culture. During WASC, I took an active role in working on the WASC documents and anticipating the needs of others in my committee. I meet deadlines for weekly data entries and make sure that all my materials are ready for class at least 1 day before the lesson.
I am continuously looking for new ways to reach my students and like to follow the “whole child” mentality. Attending additional Kagan and Way of Council trainings are 2 examples. This year I, along with another new teacher, started the Girls Who Code club at our school. We have worked hard to create and maintain a safe environment for girls to learn to code. Our source project is a website about different types of bullying and will be available to view at the end of May.
6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conduct
* As follows:
Evidence: I take responsibility for student learning. When my students fail, I first look to where I can improve my teaching techniques to reach the needs of all students, especially those who failed. I know that I am on the liberal side of the political spectrum and maintain as much neutrality as possible on political issues, but I know I show much bias when it comes to human rights. I am completely religiously neutral as imposing religious views is a violation of students’ constitutional rights. I understand my responsibilities as a Mandated Reporter, have attended the trainings, and have the phone number for CPS if needed. My room is a safe environment and we promote tolerance. The only thing we are intolerant to is intolerance. I understand what I can and cannot share, in addition to what the administration can and cannot share. When we participate in Way of Council, students also follow these guidelines. I am professional school and model appropriate behavior for students. I feel and communicate to them that we all have to follow the same rules, no one is above the law.
* As follows:
- Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes.
- Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students.
- Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of learners, including English learners and students with special needs.
- Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act.
- Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
- Understands and implements school and district policies and state and federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
- Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy, health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
- Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
- Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
Evidence: I take responsibility for student learning. When my students fail, I first look to where I can improve my teaching techniques to reach the needs of all students, especially those who failed. I know that I am on the liberal side of the political spectrum and maintain as much neutrality as possible on political issues, but I know I show much bias when it comes to human rights. I am completely religiously neutral as imposing religious views is a violation of students’ constitutional rights. I understand my responsibilities as a Mandated Reporter, have attended the trainings, and have the phone number for CPS if needed. My room is a safe environment and we promote tolerance. The only thing we are intolerant to is intolerance. I understand what I can and cannot share, in addition to what the administration can and cannot share. When we participate in Way of Council, students also follow these guidelines. I am professional school and model appropriate behavior for students. I feel and communicate to them that we all have to follow the same rules, no one is above the law.
technology emphasis
6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning
Rating: Integrating Evidence: In the last year I was able to collaborate with both my colleagues at my school site, in addition to the teachers at our sister school in Los Angelos. I was on the Technology Committee: Focus Group 1: Curriculum. With a small team of teachers (three, myself included) we created a curriculum plan for integrating technology into the school from kindergarten to 12th grade. These resources were brought together with a resources and teacher support groups. Due to my role in this group, my school sent our team to the ISTE conference in Chicago, IL this last June where I was able to attend sessions that dramatically increased my knowledge of innovative technology use in the classroom. Although my role has been played in this group, the Technology Committee has been using guide to put plan into practice throughout the 2018-2019 school year. ISTE Standard: 5. Engage in professional growth and leadership: d. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community. |
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NBPTS and TLMS incorportation
CSTP 6.3: Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning.
NBPTS Proposition 5.1: Teachers Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effectiveness
TLMS Domain 7b: Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.
Evidence: Our school is run by committee. Each member of the Instructional Leadership team takes on a committee with a group of teachers. I run the Culture Committee, which handles PBIS strategies and Restorative Justice Implementation. Restorative Justice has been practiced at my school for about 3 years. After doing research in the last year, however, the Culture Committee and I came to the realization that we were not servicing our students or providing effective restorative practices. With the committee, I over-hauled the discipline model, created an effective Daily Behavior Tracker, and made the referral processed more efficient. This was a crucial team effort, bringing in the voices of members from each grade level and the elementary school. Attached is the Restorative Behavior Policy and the Daily Behavior Tracker created by the Culture Committee.
NBPTS Proposition 5.1: Teachers Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effectiveness
TLMS Domain 7b: Works with colleagues to identify and use research to advocate for teaching and learning processes that meet the needs of all students.
Evidence: Our school is run by committee. Each member of the Instructional Leadership team takes on a committee with a group of teachers. I run the Culture Committee, which handles PBIS strategies and Restorative Justice Implementation. Restorative Justice has been practiced at my school for about 3 years. After doing research in the last year, however, the Culture Committee and I came to the realization that we were not servicing our students or providing effective restorative practices. With the committee, I over-hauled the discipline model, created an effective Daily Behavior Tracker, and made the referral processed more efficient. This was a crucial team effort, bringing in the voices of members from each grade level and the elementary school. Attached is the Restorative Behavior Policy and the Daily Behavior Tracker created by the Culture Committee.